Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Reason #10

The Seattle Times ran an article today entitled, "Why Seattle is losing the Sonics and Storm in 10 easy steps."
10. Nobody fights I-91
SEIU, an aggressive service-workers union, helped Bainbridge Island activist Van Dyk collect signatures to get I-91 on the ballot. And with polls showing three of four Seattle voters against a subsidy for the Sonics, Nickels and other political leaders did not campaign against the ballot measure. Even the new owners didn't spend a dime fighting I-91 — a sign, many believe, that the owners want to get out of town when their KeyArena lease expires in 2010.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


1. Initiative-91 was voted into law today.

2. SaveOurSonics.org handcuffed itself with it's Non-Profit status and "not a political action committee" attitude.

3. The reply to my November 5th eMail was from an annonymous representative.

4. I never received a reply to my August 1st eMail.

5. I have not received one Action Alert since signing up July 23rd.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Last Response

From: "Save Our Sonics"
To: jzetty@yahoo.com, wedafanz@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2006 22:31:54 -0800
Subject: Re: Time to rally the troops!

Unfortunatly since we are a Non-Profit and not a political action committee we can not be involved as an association for or against any ballot measure.

This is fine since I-91 is going to have no affect on the Sonics at all. If the city wants to keep the team there they will work around it.

Everything we are hearing is telling us that the team is going to end up on the Eastside so I-91 will do nothing more than load up the Seattle Taxpayers with debt on the empty arena and no way to pay it back.

Also with 65% of the voters voting by absentee ballot most have already voted.

Thanks for the idea though

My Other Advice

Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 17:46:06 -0800 (PST)
From: "Official Sports Fan Union"
Subject: Re: Time to rally the troops!
To: info@saveoursonics.org, jzetty@yahoo.com

I advise you guys to get as many volunteers as possible, pounding the phones of every radio station in Seattle that takes calls and campaign against I-91.
When it fails, it will give you a nice opportunity to take some credit and pump your site for "the next move."
Standing by;
Commando Dave
Point Man of the FANS REVOLUTION