My Advice
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 15:10:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Official Sports Fan Union"
Subject: Re: Time to rally the troops!
To: "Jordan Zetty",
From: "Official Sports Fan Union"
Subject: Re: Time to rally the troops!
To: "Jordan Zetty"
Hey you guys:
I've heard Brian and Steve on KJR and so far, so good. But you've got to step it up with more DEFINITIVE words of ACTION.
Tomorrow is a BIG PR day, so if I were you guys, I'd be working on the"who, what, where, when, why and how of your organization so you begin to sound less like "rah rah guys" and more like the "power brokers" you want to become.
So here are some ideas on what you may want to start weaving into your site and conversation:
Who: is a fan-based, citizen-advisory, political-action group.
[Covers all bases. Positions you to get your noses in the action after the inital PR of radio, newspaper, t-shirts and signs.]
What:’s goal is to retain the NBA Seattle Sonics and WNBA Seattle Storm for the city of Seattle and the entire Northwest Region.
[Howard Schultz's words when he bought the team; gives the appearance you're merely "picking up the dropped ball."]
Where: is the place fans can register to stay informed, volunteer and help us monitor the political and business manuevers of all parties involved with retaining the two franchises in this area.
[Also where you will be able to continually show the force of political muscle necessary for the task, if conveyed properly.]
When: will daily track the comments and input of various constituencies involved with NBA basketball, from arena builders to peanut vendors.
[Puts all parties on alert that you're a "watchdog group" and should enable you to get your noses in places you never thought you would.]
Why: feels the fans of the Sonics and Storm, as well as the business that comprise the citizenry of the area, were kept inthe dark until it was too late.
How: plans to connect the political dots district by district, from the city of Seattle, through King County and down to Olympia to ensure the type of representation needed to ensure the accomplishment of our goal.
[The real game isn't basketball, it's politics. Just ask citizens for more important things and the I-91ers. Hits to the site, number of volunteers, signs, t-shirts, going to games won't mean jack if you can't harness it into "political enforcement." Even registering voters is meaningless if you aren't eventually in position to "bloc vote."]
Just some ideas. Just trying to help.
Standing by;
Commando Dave
Point Man of the FANS REVOLUTION